Enable a balanced lifestyle

Balanced lifestyle

It gets challenging to manage being healthy along with numerous responsibilities that demand your time, energy and attention. Regardless of your current diet, there is a lack of consumption of the recommended 5 servings of raw fruits and vegetables a day. We aim to reduce that gap by providing you with 2 servings, almost half of the minimum daily recommended quantity of raw nutrition in a single sachet of TANS Rawblends.

Proprietary recipe of Rawblends which are crafted with only one thought in mind, getting the most nutrition from the ingredients put together. Crafting well researched and age-old recipes with some modern twists giving rise to a problem solver based on personal condition.

A flavoursome break that enlivens your mind and body.

Balancing your schedules daily and taking care of yourself can get difficult quite often. TANS Rawblends lets you have more time to do other tasks or spend time with loved ones, it takes care of your daily 5 A Day goal to be in optimal health no matter how hectic your schedule is. TANS Rawblends is as on the go as you can be.
TANS Rawblends makes nutrition accessible anywhere, anytime. No need for compromise or extra efforts to be in optimal health. TANS Rawblends can be as on the go as you.

As on the go as you

Living in the fast-paced world, being in optimal health is of utmost importance. Taking care of yourself and being in optimum health seems such a difficult task. Not anymore with TANS Rawblends in your pocket! TANS Rawblends comes in lightweight sachets for daily use and easy to carry around anywhere. Being lightweight and requiring minimal preparation efforts helps you adapt it easily in your hectic lifestyle and giving you easy access to good nutrition.

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