Ever wondered why breakfast tables in movies had orange juices? Has to be for their color, taste and the symbolization of a healthy meal, right? Well, it’s definitely very beneficial for your health due to the vital nutrients present in them in abundance such as Vitamin C and potassium. It being seasonal fruit has significance of it being a choice of the health conscious individuals.
Nutrient Dense
Vitamin C being water soluble and in abundance aids building immunity, due to the mechanism of Vitamin C acting as an antioxidant. Oranges are good sources for antioxidants such as flavonoids, carotenoid and ascorbic acid. 14 Vitamin C has a huge contribution in promotion of bone formation, wound healing and improving gum health. 2 Orange is rich in folate which is necessary for DNA synthesis. Mothers that are expecting should consider including oranges in their regular diet as folate supports fetal growth and development. 3
Prevents kidney stone development
Some studies have shown that one could perhaps prevent kidney stones by drinking orange juice daily. Orange juice could reduce risk factors by increasing the pH of urine (increasing alkalinity). More alkaline urine has shown a relation to lower risk of developing kidney stones.5 6
Heart health
Heart diseases are a huge death cause that is increasing year by year, treating it with a healthy lifestyle is in our hands to prevent such a scenario. Drinking orange juice with fibers for a long term may show reduction of several risk factors for heart diseases, such as high blood pressure, LDL and overall cholesterol. 7 Orange juice could improve heart health due to its effectiveness at decreasing diastolic blood pressure and may increase levels of HDL (good) cholesterol. 8 9
Inflammation occurrence for a prolonged period can result in development of chronic disease. Orange contains the anti-inflammatory properties that are necessary to prevent development of chronic diseases. 10 Certain elevated markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) are responsible for development of conditions including metabolic syndrome, heart disease and certain cancers. A small study concluded that drinking orange juice daily decreased inflammation markers including CRP and IL-6, which could massively help in prevention of diseases. 11
Abundant benefits
Orange has zero fat, is low in calories and is a rich source of antioxidants, which makes it one of the best weight-loss friendly fruits. It is advisable to have whole fruit over juice, to make most of its fiber content.
Oranges can be easily considered as a healthy food option due to its benefits, freshness and in general feeling it transpires which is usually uplifting. Do remember to consume the fibers as well, they offer a lot of health benefits as well. Oranges are a part of our Body Rejuvenate Rawblend, the health goal of this is quite similar to the health benefits discussed above in the blog.
1-Nutrients | Free Full-Text | Vitamin C and Immune Function (mdpi.com)
2-Vitamin C in Disease Prevention and Cure: An Overview – PMC (nih.gov)
4-Bioavailability and antioxidant effects of orange juice components in humans – PMC (nih.gov)
6-Soda and Other Beverages and the Risk of Kidney Stones – PMC (nih.gov)